Doula Support on the Jersey Shore 

It's not just about support - it's about peace, confidence and joy in parenthood.

Serving Central New Jersey including, but not limited to:​
Monmouth County, Ocean County, and Southern Middlesex County

Whether birthing at home, in a hospital or at a birthing center, we are here to help you navigate your journey into parenthood!

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Birth Doula-childbirth Education-Jersey Shore
Birth Doula Carla Ward

Meet Your Doula

Carla Ward

Birth has always been a wonder to me.  I am a mother of three grown children and one amazing grandchild.  Each of my pregnancies and births were so very different, but so amazing!  Being at the birth of my grandson...Heaven on Earth!

I bring to the table years of experience in birth work.  From the early years, before I "officially" became a Doula, helping my sisters, cousins, and friends in their birth journey, to today as a DONA Certified Birth Doula and BEST Certified Childbirth Educator, I never cease to be amazed by the raw power of birth and the amazing birthers I am blessed to work with.  It is my honor to be invited into such a special moment in the lives of the families I serve as they embark on their journey into parenthood.  Whether seeking a Hospital Birth, Home Birth, Medicated Birth, Natural Birth, or Cesarean Birth, the addition of a doula to your birthing team is such a benefit.  Having someone by your side to offer physical support, emotional support, and the information necessary to help you make informed choices in your labor and beyond is priceless.  Are your ready to explore the ways a Doula at your side can help you in your birth? I'd love to talk to you!

Prepare for Birth & a Joyful Postpartum

Journeying into parenthood brings questions, fears, and concerns about the unknown. As a birth and postpartum doula, my job is to help you prepare confidently for birth, guide you through a peaceful postpartum, and ease you through those sleepless nights.

Birth Doula in NJ


Why I love being a doula on the Jersey Shore!

For as long as I can remember, my dream was to be a midwife. However, life's twists and turns- children, marriage and career -all led away from it. Until recently, I did not think I would ever make it. I had been helping friends and family for years in their birthing journeys, but never made it to midwifery school. I had the honor and privilege of attending my sister's three births. With each birth, she would tell me "this is your really need to pursue this!" Ah, but then the stars seemed to align...children are grown, career allows me flexibility, and two wonderful women taught me that "I am a Doula!!" 

I have forever had a fascination with the birthing process and am still awed by the strength a laboring person finds from their "inner birthing goddess!" My own three birth experiences were amazing, magical, empowering, and all oh so different! I bring to the table personal experience with pregnancy and it's ups and downs, as well as the experience of assisting with births which each offered their own challenges. I look forward to working with birthing parents and their partners; eager to offer education, emotional and physical support, understanding, and advocacy in a non-judgmental and nurturing environment. 

When asked why I do this, my answer almost always includes "I love giving birthing parents the information they need to make informed choices for their birthing journey."  I truly believe in the adage "Knowledge is Power", especially where it concerns pregnancy and birth.  When asked why they sought out the care of a Doula, so many of my clients respond with something like, "I am seeking someone who can help to keep me focused and be there to support me and my partner." or "I am nervous about birth and am looking for someone to help me feel confident and comfortable." or "I felt like I had no control over my birth." or " I felt railroaded in my labor, forced into things I was trying to avoid."

As a Doula, it is my job to help you navigate your birthing journey, to offer words of support, to help you remain focused and centered so that you can work with your body during labor, to offer suggestions for positions of comfort and natural pain management techniques, to help your partner help you...this and so much more!  THIS is why I love what I Doula! 

kind words from families...

A Joyful Birth + Postpartum is Possible for you, too!

Our clients have done it and you can, too! Learn more about our birth

and postpartum doula services below.

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